

Start the change and get the most out of your style with a Hollywood Smile operation in Turkey

What Is Hollywood Smile

Hollywood smile is a full dental look makeover, which is a standard procedure nowadays. Performing Hollywood Smile operations, we place porcelain veneers on your teeth. A veneer is a thin coating of porcelain applied on a tooth surface to improve a tooth’s esthetics or cover a broken tooth surface. We aim to arrange your new teeth to look completely firm and shiny.

The Hollywood smile’s gleaming appearance on the tonight show has been a popular trend of Hollywood. Celebrities with diverse genders and ethnicities invade the movie sets and scenes in their gloving pearly smiles and beautiful faces. The camera that the media is focusing on the Hollywood smile brought intense attention to teeth ‘s impact. Smiles have a massive importance in presenting your character and highlighting your charm.


Types of Hollywood Smiles

Achieving a Hollywood smile is a common goal for many people who seek dental aesthetics. This can be achieved through various dental techniques and procedures, including digital smile design. It is important to note that a Hollywood smile is not just about the design of the teeth, but also about the performance of the smile itself.

In Turkey, many people are interested in learning about the different types of Hollywood smiles. One of the main components of a Hollywood smile is the use of veneers, which are thin shells that are placed over the teeth. The cost and quality of veneers used in a Hollywood smile can vary.

  • Porcelain veneers provide the most natural-looking Hollywood smile, as they prevent aesthetic imperfections and require an enamel coating for authenticity.
  • Lumineers are a type of translucent veneer with a weaker structure, appealing to those who do not want to thin their enamel.
  • Composite resin veneers are made of the same material as dental fillings and are easier to apply, with the ability to customize their shape and color.

Frequently asked questions

Most of the aftercare for Hollywood Smile has to do with preventive dental care. To keep the pearly glow of a Hollywood Smile you have to maintain healthy oral hygiene. You have to floss and brush your teeth at least twice daily.

A Hollywood smile is created using veneers that are either made in a lab or handcrafted by a dentist to custom design a smile.


How Long Do Dental Veneers Last? While veneers are not a permanent fix, they should last between 10 and 15 years with proper care.

No! Most patients report no pain or discomfort at all during treatment. This is because the procedure is minimally-invasive.

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